​honors, was a faculty assistant in the philosophy and psychology departments, winner of the Women's Athletic Association Silver Cup for Outstanding Female Athlete and was named an outstanding University of Texas coed by the Dean of Women.


After graduating from the University of Texas, Elizabeth studied journalism at Columbia University, became editor of The Columns of Alpha Epsilon Phi, traveled as the National Field Secretary for Alpha Epsilon Phi National Sorority and visited over sixty college campuses.  In 1931, Elizabeth Eldridge was elected National President of Alpha Epsilon Phi.  In 1936, her book, Co-Ediquette  became a best seller and was on the New York Times best seller list.  Elizabeth was considered the "Emily Post" of college life.  Her book achieved the status of "required reading" before any college girl packed her trunk and went to college.

In 1937 Elizabeth married Albert S. Bettelheim, grandson of Rabbi Aaron (Albert) S. Bettelheim  and nephew of Rebekah Kohut


​was born in San Antonio, Texas on April 19, 1907. She was the eldest of three daughters of Judge Eldridge And Emma Levi Eldridge  Elizabeth's mother was the author of A Child's Reader in Verse  which became a popular primary school textbook in the United States.  Her father, Samuel, was an officer of the Reform Jewish Congregation of San Antonio, Texas for 30 years and was Grand President of B'nai B'rith District 7.  Elizabeth's grandfather, Phillip Eldridge immigrated to texas before the Civil War and took a prominent part in settling Texas.

At the age of 15, Elizabeth won the Regents' Scholarship to the University of Texas for her outstanding high school achievements.  In 1927, Elizabeth graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Texas where she was the youngest and highest ranked member of her class.  At the University of Texas, she was one of the founders of the Omega Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi National Sorority. In addition, she was on the staff of numerous campus publications, President of the Menorah Society, won public speaking

The Elizabeth E. Bettelheim Family Foundation

1569 Solano Avenue, PMB 194,  Berkeley CA   94707

510.528.5166       510.528.5167 FAX


Elizabeth Eldridge Bettelheim

The Elizabeth E. Bettelheim
Family Foundation